Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Development update: postprocessing changes and other tweaks

Hello everyone! 

 Lately I have been quite busy with all sorts of stuff. For example college; internships; applying for internships in college. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean I haven't been slowly working on Amazeing on the side!

As seen from the last development stream (multiple months ago), I was working on level 4, wrapping up its main maze and puzzles. There's still a bit more I have to do for level 4 regarding secrets, but mostly that level is complete. (There's also some bugs need fixing.)

The next level is level 5, which still has quite some work to do. Level 5 is going to be a more complicated level, containing many smaller mazes and puzzles to overcome, as well as numerous new mechanics. Level 5 will require players to think more out-of-the-box with how to utilize the puzzle pieces to progress.

I am also starting on level 6 some. This level is at night, to continue with the theme of the sun cycle across the game. This level might be the trickiest level to make yet, as I am trying to design it underground- still a lot of things to consider.

I also decided to rework the tutorial level. I want to make it more fluent and easier to follow than what it currently is. The tutorial should give the player the basics of what they need to solve the mazes, after all.

Last, I have touched up on postprocessing. This is essentially some camera filters, and they can dramatically change the look of the game. Just see below with the before and after pics with postprocessing! These settings aren't final- I'll make some adjustments so the player can still see easily across the game.




Sunday, July 19, 2020

Development stream: showcasing some of the changes and fixes and stuff in the levels

Hello! Not too long ago I did another development livestream for the game. In it, I showcased the latest of the game, including some new puzzles, visual effects, and more. I also worked a bit on it at the start. I will start releasing detailed updates at the end of each month, as well as doing development streams every Sunday. (I will also be doing game streams every Friday in case you're interested- check https://quantumquantonium.blogspot.com for more info). In the mean time, please enjoy the stream replay to see the latest and greatest of Amazeing:

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Development update: new level 4, work on levels 5 and even 6, lots of other changes

Hello there!

It's been a while since I have done a developer update on this blog. But never fear, as I have been hard at work working on the game alongside college stuff and now staying at home thanks to COVID-19! Please stay safe, stay inside, and if you need something to do, maybe try out the demo!

As said in the title, level 4 in the game is entirely different now. A long time ago I somehow managed to corrupt the level file to the point where it wouldn't open, so I had to start over from scratch... or not entirely. Amazeing originated from a concept maze game that I made for a summer camp some 10 or so years ago I think. Well, I found the original map layout (which was only half complete anyways) and moved it into Amazeing. I am now in the progress of making it incredible, so stay tuned for more!

In addition, I also have been working on level 5. Level 5 introduces some other new mechanics into the game, like parkour and paths that are created, rather than destroyed, when a switch is activated. Level 4 also seems to be somewhat my largest level yet, and it's not even near completion!

And as a quick test, I also started "digging" around on level 6. This one's set in night (as the sun sets the further you get), so I have to make a nice looking night sky with a bright glowing full moon to light the ground. I am also using a voxel plugin to create an underground network of tunnels as the maze. This level is very early in its prototyping stages, as I will have to figure out how lighting and materials will have to work before making the actual maze layout or any game mechanics.

And in the long run... Just to see how it might work... The final level's looks...

And there's more! New portal looks!

And there's plenty more to come! Looking at the screenshots, you probably noticed some new trees and rocks. I will continue to build on the environment in interesting and unique ways. Also, you might've noticed some new lights and some lit up cubes- I am improving on the ease of playability in my game by making key items lit up. I am also implementing an optional "marker" system, which you can use to keep track of areas you previously accessed.

See you until next time, and be sure to check out the Amazeing demo if you haven't already!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Hello explorers!

Today I have released an update for ALL platforms, fixing bugs and issues that weren't caught before releasing the free demo!!!

Below is a list of changes:
  • removed VR and raytracing support. While these weren't supported in the demo to begin with, there was still some settings in the game that could've caused issues with playing, so I fully disabled them. There will be raytracing and VR support with the full game, however.
    • Note: If you have had issues running the 64 bit version of the game, this might be the solution. If not, please submit a bug on the forums here on itch.io!
  • fixed firstPersonCharacter's textures not loading
  • added the "jump" key as a rebindable key in settings
  • fixed keybindings not saving and reloading
  • fixed some name spelling mistakes
  • slightly optimized the lighting on all levels
  • fixed "WASD to move" starting text from not showing
  • Added 64 bit (Arch) Linux support. This and the 32 bit Linux versions of the game most likely use the Vulkan API. However, if you have issues with either Linux versions of the game, please consult Unreal Engine support, as I will likely not be able to help you.

Also, I have placed the demo of the game on the official site instead of the demo site (https://quantumquantonium.itch.io/amazeing). From now on, new versions of the game will be seen here.

Have fun playing!

Quantum Quantonium

Monday, November 11, 2019

Development update: progress on level 4

Hello and welcome to the first of hopefully many development updates for Amazeing!

A while ago I shared a screenshot of level 4, which is going to be in a level with lots of rain and epic sunrays through the clouds. Well, I've made considerable progress, as seen in the screenshots below.

This first screenshot is a top-down view of the map, and there's quite a lot to talk about with this. First, this is probably the largest terrain I've made yet- the many hills and mountains help blend in with the fog to create an illusion of a larger, more vast landscape, that you can see better in the next screenshot. Also, the level consists of a wide outdoor area. This is to bring slight relief from the past 2.5 levels, consisting of tight mazes. What's that .5 though? Look carefully, and you will actually notice that the maze on the left is almost the same design as the tutorial maze on level 1! This is just a little easter egg (I guess?) that I added into the game. But what's that large square to its left? That's the other part of this maze, which I will go into more detail later.

Here's a closer view of the explorable area of the level, at least on the outside. You can see the first part of the maze's layout better, but notice that I made the walls higher and the passage tighter. This is the sort of progression that I've been intending for my mazes as they progress. In the distance you can see part 2 like above, as well as a golden tower on a hill in the distance. What might that be? (hint: it will help you progress through the level). You can also see more rain from the last screenshot (I made it more visible) and the iconic cubes, still residing despite the rainy day.

Here's what's underneath the square on the level- part 2, or at least what I have so far. I've been testing with how exactly I want the level layout to be. I'm trying a difficult but interesting multi-level staircase maze layout, that I think would bring a really unique and interesting challenge to the game (but nothing too difficult). On the right, you can also see some movable objects and their switches, hinted in the demo's bonus level. Level 4 will be using them more in detail, as well as using object specific switches. For instance, you can't put a cube object on a circle switch. Oh yeah, and there's rain going through the roof- I guess I need to fix that!

One last thing, I would like to share some changes I've made to previous levels, to show more progression in this weather. Below is what level 3 looks like so far. I have some work to do with the textures to make it look more rainy.

And on level 2, I am working on implementing some oncoming clouds in the horizon and above, to hint at an approaching storm. Right now, I'm trying to figure out the best way to add overhead clouds that look good. I am also replacing the wall textures so the maze no longer gives you a headache if your eyes are sensitive.

If you like what you see here, be sure to download the demo if you haven't already (link at the top of the blog)! And be sure to check back (hopefully) weekly for more updates, and subscribe to Quantum Quantonium on Twitch and Youtube for dev livestreams!